
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Scientific Conferences

Today began the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Symposium here on the University of Alabama's campus. Those of you that have spent any amount of time with me know the importance of spending three days alongside the great E.O. Wilson. His work, specifically his book The Future of Life, is what inspired me to go into research. So this the perfect way to spend my last week on campus!

Listening to the talks this morning by some of the world's leading experts in biodiversity got me thinking. It occurred to me that we go to these conferences and talk to each other, and it's people like E.O. Wilson and the others speaking here today that get beyond academics and share their science. So, I wanted to post a video of my talk at the Benthic Ecology meeting last month. Now you can all see what we do when we go to conferences and one of the avenues we take for sharing our results.

Happy Earth Day! Hug a microbe today!

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